that's good pizza

Monday, April 26, 2004


I've been given the opportunity to beta test Google's new Gmail. I am very familiar with e-mail clients such as Yahoo, Hotmail and Mailblocks so I'll see how this stacks up. The terms of service weren't as scary as I thought and I really like the idea that I can search for e-mail messages. Too many people send e-mails with bad subject lines so that it is impossible to know what the e-mail is about without reading through it. Gmail searches both the subject line and the content of the e-mail. Nice.
I'll post again with more thoughts as I continue to use it.

Sunday, April 18, 2004

What World Leader Are You?

Not bad...

But I don't think I'll destroy the world. Maybe.

Saturday, April 17, 2004


With this handy flash device you can hear excerpts from Pres. Bush's April 13th Press Conference. In this short conference the President said very little, but uttered "uhh" close to 100 times. This guy is such a knob. At one point he stammers for a long while and then says "I wish you had given me this written question earlier". Good glory.
Here's the link, from Catch.
In an interesting experiment, I looked online for the text of this press conference. I found the complete text here. The people who type these things out obviously omit the "uhh"s and "ummm"s, but it is still pretty enlightening to read through and note that no one can make Mr. Bush sound competent...let alone literate. Sad, really.

Friday, April 16, 2004

My New Guitar

Here she is:

My new guitar is a Godin Seagull Artist Cameo CW. A mouthful.
I went guitar shopping today and this one jumped off the wall at me. I played the first chord and knew that I had a winner. This guitar has a wonderfully sweet sound. It is rich and full and true. So good.
Here's the link.

The Stars in Your Eyes...

You know the song. It's by Edwin McCain.
"The stars in your eyes
that colour them wonderful
Stop me, and steal my breath."
Great song. Here's the link.
But here's the real reason for this post. I was once again on Juju's page ( and I came across this picture. You should visit his site to see it, but it's crazy.
If you live in the Netherlands and have 15 minutes to spare (and 500 Euros) you can have a platinum or gold star inserted in the mucous membrane of your eye. Wow.
Here's the link.

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Go Leafs Go!

Here's a funny song from Mix 99.9 (A Toronto radio station). It is a parody of Adam Sandler's music.
Humble and Fred's Ottawa Song
Thanks Laura.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Clear Duct Tape

This stuff is supposed to be as sticky and as strong as the original silvery stuff. It looks like a really good idea for seeing repairs. I know too many people, however, who make duct tape clothes. Could be slightly incriminating...

Here's the BoingBoing link.
via Kevin Kelly Cool Tools.
via 3M.

Sunday, April 11, 2004

Inside a Cow's Stomach

This is crazy.
This cow has a hole cut into the side of its body -- for scientific purposes. Researchers (or just curious students) can reach inside the cow and pull food directly out of one of it's stomachs.
The image won't load...visit Juju's site.
Shamelessly taken from

Friday, April 09, 2004

Unfortunate Tattoo

I found this on
It's pretty funny, but the picture link wouldn't work.
Ha ha ha. (No hands were hurt in the making of this tattoo)
Here's the link.

Thursday, April 08, 2004

Daily Comic Strip is a daily comic strip from comedian Mikael Wulff and film director Anders Morgenthaler. The few I flipped through were pretty funny. The artwork is in your face and the humour sometimes enters the realm of 'pretty darn subtle and dry'. I loved it...and I'm not much of a comic fan. I found this link on

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Worth 1000 Words

This site took my breath away. Holy.
Worth1000 is a creative competition and photoshop contest site. It is filled with images that have been doctored with Photoshop. The first gallery I looked at was Pleasantville. This gallery is of images that were originally black and white and which have been put in living colour. Wow.
This is unbelievable. Check it out. Here's the link.

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

No More Assignments!

Yes, that's right. I'm done. It's been a very long few days (and a couple of sleepless nights) but I finiall finished the papers, assignments and take home exams. Now all that remains is two real exams...
I've been pretty quiet lately, but I have a post regarding my last entry. I lamented the fact that there were no good book forums. Well, that opinion hasn't changed, but here's the closest thing I found.
It's called The Terran BBS and is is a science fiction community. Not too much here for books (alas), but Staw Wars/Star Trek fans will like it.

Monday, April 05, 2004

Someone should really...

Someone should really...
Create an online book club. Create a forum/BBS, designate a book of the month and go to town. With some regular readers and posters you could have a flourishing online book club in no time. The beauty of the forum would be that no post would ever get lost and you could easily have different sections for every genre and every book. This would be so sweet. I would do it myself, but I have no server. Alas, something to put on the ten-year to-do list.
(By the way, if YOU want to do this you can get your forum set-up here.)

Saturday, April 03, 2004

Proof that smart bombs only lead to stupid school children...

Beware, the air you breathe is laced with dihydrogen monoxide! Yes, you're right...that's water (H20).
Radio personality Glen Anderson began his April 1st show with that announcement. Within minutes, people were phoning the mayor's office in tears worried that their children were being poisoned. Now most of the community is calling for a public apology and more. April Fools!
Here's the link.
Culled from Catch.

Friday, April 02, 2004

Billionaires for Bush

Again from Catch.
Billionaires for Bush. Too subtle?

The Death of Small and Independent Bookstores

This link is from Catch.
Here is a list of twelve reasons for the death of small and independent bookstores. Pretty sad. The list starts halfway down the page. My favourite reason is reason number 9:
9. Teachers--assigning books because of topical appeal, or because of their own lazy familiarity, instead of choosing what is best; thus a tale about the teenage angst of a World War Two era prep school boy is pushed at students who do not know when World War Two took place--for failing to pass the torch of civilization to the next generation.
Here's the link.

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Another Trip to the Bookstore

It was a trip to Mark Jokinen Books in Peterborough. (Here's the best link I could find...he's in the sidebar.) Mark has a small store in Peterborough on Water Street and he had lots of Science Fiction books. Here's what I got.
Diaspora, by Greg Egan. This guy is a science fiction writer and a computer programmer; I can't wait to read this.
Count Zero, by William Gibson. I liked Neuromancer a lot, so I thought I'd give cyberpunk another shot. Gibson has lived in Canada since the sixties (draft dodger) and also used to have a weblog.
The Hammer of God, by Arthur C. Clarke. I suspect that this book was the inspiration for Armageddon and Deep Impact, but I don't know for sure.
Lastly...Timeline, by Michael Crichton. This is most definitely a movie that is shortly coming to video. I'm not the biggest Crichton fan in the world, but it will be an interesting read.

April Fools Day

Hello World!
I must apologize for not posting recently. You see, I have been very sick. Oh, and there's been more than a tad of school work. But excuses aside...I must do better.
Here's what I have for you today:
Portable Web Bookmarks. I hate being away from my computer because surfing is so much harder. All of my favourites menu is left behind and I must go blindfolded into that good night. Well, that was then. Now (at least it's the present for me) I have discovered a way to make the favourites menu portable. Take the link above and follow the steps outlined. It's a pretty complicated process, but you can do it.
It might also help to have one of these.

What else? Let's see...
Radio vox populi. I forget where I got this link (sorry), but it is pretty cool. A computer voice program (sounding like Hal from 2001: A Space Odyssey) reads weblogs. As far as I can tell the choices are entirely random, but this is like having your finger on the pulse of the web. Neat-O.