that's good pizza

Monday, September 20, 2004

Interesting Omission

via Omni-matic and the Washington Post.
A page posted shortly after September 11th, 2001 by the State Department gives a graphic representation of areas where al Qaeda has been active. It has an interesting omission.
Bill Denneen wonders "How long until the page gets vaporized, or better yet, altered ever-so-slightly by some Orwellian worker at the Ministry of Information?"
Here's the site:
Notice that Iraq does not appear on the map or in the list.

Friday, September 17, 2004

Bike Security

via Fark and Wired.
Amazing video of an expensive bike lock being picked with an ordinary ball point pen.
Here's the link.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Beer vs. Wine

via Catch.
Researchers at The University of Western Ontario have found one drink of beer or wine provides equivalent increases in plasma antioxidant activity, which helps prevent the oxidization of blood plasma by toxic free radicals that trigger many aging diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease and cataracts.
The study will be published in the journal Nonlinearity in Biology, Toxicology and Medicine this December.
This study warms my heart. Apparently the researchers were surprised by the results, but speculate that even though wine contains far higher levels of polyphenols than beer, the human body is only able to effectively absorb a small amount of polyphenols.
Here's the link.

The Firefox Throwdown

via G4TechTV.
The Product: Mozilla's whoop-azz wee browser, Firefox.
The Goal: 1 million downloads in 10 days.
The Reason: Firefox is a better browser than Internet Exploder and it's always nice to stick it to the man.

Firefox is awesome. It is absolutely loaded with features (pop-up blocking, download manager, tabbed browsing, etc). It is also the browser I use. Firefox is so good that it will actually change the way you work (or play) on the internet. My favourite feature is that I can open all of my four e-mail clients at once, in one window, with one click. Beaut. I do the same for blogs I read consistently and for news sites I read daily. What are you waiting for?

Wednesday, September 15, 2004


My new job is pretty cool. I work with a company called Adventureworks! Associates and I get to do adventure programming in a whole new setting.

"Adventureworks! Associates, Inc. is committed to creating unique learning experiences that lead to positive growth and change in individuals, groups, and organizations. Our mission is to create opportunities for people to learn the values, attitudes, and skills required for creating healthy communities in our schools, neighbourhoods, and work places."

I am learning tons about High Ropes courses, adventure facilitation and working with some cool people too.

Beautiful Echo Lake

Good shot Aloe Posted by Hello

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Political Poetry

From Leo Laporte.
Now you can get your scathing political commentary in easy-to-digest limerick form. American, yet applicable.
The Liberal Limericker.