that's good pizza

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Look what I have...

I actually recieved this a little while ago, but I didn't think I should brag until I'd tried it out. I use it to take notes and keep a journal on my Palm and it is just wonderful. If you secretly want a laptop but are afraid of the bulk or cost this is a pretty good solution.
The keys are laid out nicely, though the node in the middle of the split spacebar is a tad annoying. The other thing I notice is that the "Home" and "End" keys don't work as they should. Still, it feels like a good laptop keyboard and is easy to type with. Palm Wireless Keyboard.

Tuesday, February 24, 2004


Discovering new music just became much less frustrating. Also, you no longer need to watch MuchMusic and see the same videos over and over in a vain quest for something revolutionary. Musicplasma is a service that makes musical connections for you. Input the name of a band or artist that you like and Musicplasma will generate a web of artists that fit your tastes. You may not like all of them, but then again, you may...
A search for Matt Nathanson (one of my should check him out...especially his cover of Prince's "Everything You Say Sounds Like Gospel") led me to the discovery of Jack Johnson, who is pretty good himself.

Thursday, February 19, 2004

The World Discovers Another Hero

Canon would be proud.

Posted on Fark today:
In a case of mistaken identity, an undergraduate student from Oxford is accidentally invited to give a series of lectures in China. Twist: the lectures are to PhD students studying economics. Matthew Richardson, a 23 year-old engineering major, borrowed an economics textbook from the library and gave the entire lecture series with no one being the wiser. He got by on moxy and BS alone. Pretty good. Here's the link.

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Free Anti-Virus Software

This anti-virus software has been featured a number of times recently on The Screensavers, but I have only recently had the opportunity to use it for myself. It is amazing. Grisoft is the maker of AVG Anti-virus, and a very good product it is. There is a free-to-download version as well as a slightly better version you can buy. I would totally recommend this.

Monday, February 16, 2004

Guitar Tech.

Look what's coming out of this guitar. Is that an ethernet cable?

An article found at the Tech Central Station explains how the guitar has arrived at a technological crossroads.

Sunday, February 15, 2004

Club Dread

Broken Lizard, the 5-man comedy group that created Supertroopers is back with a new film Club Dread. The official movie site comes complete with a blog written by the members of Broken Lizard. Tres cool. I'm sure I'll post more about this...

Backup Your DVDs for Free

Rather than wear out your favourite DVDs (through use, abuse, misuse or by accident), why not make a backup copy? It's pretty straightforward if you have a DVD burner and Kevin Rose from The Screensavers and has all the details here. Please don't break any laws...

Friday, February 13, 2004

The Hunt for Canadian File-Swappers

The Canadian Recording Industry Association (CRIA...Canada's version of the American RIAA) has launched a battle against online music file-swappers. The CRIA's plan calls for finding 29 file-swappers from at least five major ISP's including Shaw, Telus Corp., Rogers Cable, Bell Canada's Sympatico service and Quebec's Videotron. Apparently, Shaw is the only company very opposed to the idea, while Videotron is "delighted" about it. Read the whole story on the website.
I originally found this link on

Thursday, February 12, 2004


If you are a blogger (like me) or you host a website, you can quickly determine who is linking to your site by using this simple program. Technorati will search based on your URL and list all who link to your account. Tres cool.

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

The Cyborg Manifesto

The Cyborg Manifesto is an interesting little piece on what the internet and technology have done to human civilizations. It is a spoof, but was not understood to be a spoof by many when it was first released. Read it for yourself and decide wht your natural reaction is.

A World of Ends

Doc Searls and David Weinberger, authors of the Cluetrain Manifesto have created a very interesting site outlining what the internet is...and what it isn't. Among the many descriptions that they provide are these three simple rules about the internet:

1. No one owns it.
2. Everyone can use it.
3. Anyone can improve it.

This page is a great read and I would definitely encourage you to visit.

A World of Ends


Tuesday, February 10, 2004


Why work so hard finding all the cool and interesting things on the internet when others can do it for you? A constantly updated list of links for web nerds is kept at Fark.


A Flower Gifting Guide

Just in time for Valentine's Day, here's a handy guide as to the meaning behind the flowers you are giving.

Flower Guide.

Stop the Dieting Madness

As if anyone needed more proof that diets are a bad idea, here's a report on the NBC website about Dr. Atkins, the creator of the Atkins Diet which stresses eating protein filled meats and cheeses over carbohydrates. Apparently, Dr. Atkins was obese and had suffered a heart attack, congestive heart failure and hypertension. Read the story here.

Eat what you want then work it off. It all seems so simple.

Race Only Skin Deep

I came across a very interesting article on The Mercury News website. A study done in a High School in San Jose discovered that over half of the class had a common relative. The students were from a wide variety of racial and ethnic backgrounds, yet all were linked by DNA to a common ancestor.

Read the whole story here.

Interesting, no?

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

The Payoff From Cheaper Web Tech

Here's an interesting article that outlines how the internet is evolving. It's from Business Week Online and is entitled "The Payoff From Cheaper Web Tech". Check it out.

Sorry I've been a lazy blogger lately; sometimes the motivation is hard to find.