that's good pizza

Wednesday, March 30, 2005


This is an advocacy film about the practices involved in modern factory farming. Even more fun, it's a spoof of The Matrix. The video clip is a few minutes long, but nicely scripted and subtly funny.
Check out: THE MEATRIX

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

G. B. Shaw

"Some men see things as they are and ask why. Others dream things that never were and ask why not. G.B Shaw"

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

I am a Total Geek

It's official. I even have the proof. My score of 33% placed me squarely within the range of "Total Geek".
Take the test, let me know your score.
INNERGEEK: home of the Geek Test

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

I'm a Genius (Sometimes)

Every so often I stumble onto brilliance. This is one of those times. Sadly, I lack the motivation and the know-how to pull this feel free to pawn this idea as your own and reap the glorious rewards.
Hold a photo contest in the Subway system of any major city. All of you meet at a specific station at 11:00am, pay your few bucks to ride around for a few hours and meet at a totally separate station somehwere across the city whenever you are done. As a group go for a few drinks and then (depending on your access to technology) have a gallery of what you shot.
I think it would be pretty cool.
(Inspiration from here and here.)

Monday, March 14, 2005


Over the hurried feet bridge and into the rushing across the wet city -
taxi cabs and big, red, slippery bus streets.
So many stories.
Bad coffee through a window sipped at St. Paul's slowly gazing.
Busy back-and-forth wet hair of dripping traffic on the street -
a river runs through it.
Fleet Street heads down, dailies hawked splashing in the rain.
Construction briefcases everywhere, in every hand.
Where is the Strand?

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Jason Bradbury: World's First Phone Glove!

Look what I found.

Makes you wonder where technology will leave spy films.
Jason Bradbury: World's First Phone Glove!
This site will walk you through the construction of your very own glove phone. It has a switch in the knuckle that allows the phone to be answered with a flick of the wrist. Connects to any phone with Bluetooth. A whole new meaning to the term "talk to the hand".

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Microwave a Lightbulb

via Digg.
What happens when you microwave a lightbulb?

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Free Street Fighter

via Kevin Rose and Digg.
Free Online Flash Street Fighter. Easy to play, quite addictive and you can beat up on your friends.
Here's the link.

That was a good pizza.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Wireless USB

Found on Digg.
According to a report found here, wireless USB should be ready by the end of this year. Bluetooth (the current short-range wireless networking solution) is hard to set-up and has a few compatibility problems. Those difficulties are exactly what USB exists to overcome. There is also a USB dongle that fits into a standard USB 2 port and would make any machine with a USB port capable of using USB Wireless. I just moved a few computers and I can't wait for the wireless revolution to continue.
Does this mean that USB powered devices will be able to be powered wirelessly? No? THAT would be good pizza.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Final Fantasy...The Symphony

This story makes me smile. I'm at once happy, sad, shocked, unsurprised and encouraged. Strange.
The Chicagoland Pops Orchestra recently performed a show entitled "Dear Friends, The Music of Final Fantasy". Even better, the show sold out to mostly young people dressed in everything from tuxes and gowns to jeans and t-shirts. Images from the video game were played above the stage and the show was received with several standing ovations.
Here's the link to the MSNBC story.

Turn your old PC into a music server

I saw this on "Call for Help" the other day. I've seen it before (even used it), but these are nice step-by-step instructions on how to make use of an old computer tower as a network-wide Music Server. Pretty slick, and perfect for university houses. Don't we all have an old computer kicking around downstairs?
This system will allow you to store all the music on one computer that becomes accessible to every user on the network. You can all combine your music libraries and brag about the resulting massive music collection.
Turn your old PC into a music server

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

How to Destroy the Earth

via The Gravity Lens Weblog.
This site is aimed at those for whom merely taking over the world has become somewhat passe. Now, with the help of Sam's Archive, we are able to flat out destroy the world. Carefully thought out strategies include:
-Waiting for the all the atoms that compose Earth to suddenly, simultaneously and spontaneously cease to exist. Odds of this happening are somewhere north of a googoplex (see site for details), but it requires no real effort on your part. Bonus.
-Existence negated via time travel. Simply go back in time with explosives to blow up any patch of material that might someday form a planet the size and composition of Earth. Simple, yet effective.
Lots more at Sam's Archive.

Voodoo Blogging

I came across this site the other day and immediately read through the entire thing...including the archives. It's a blog that lists reasons why the author hates his/her flatmate. Fairly anonymous, totally hilarious, fun for the whole family. Well, not the whole family. This one has some pretty colourful language. Otherwise all good clean fun. No voodoo. Sorry.
Things I hate about my Flatmate

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

My Favourite Firefox Extension

From the "Yet another reason to switch to Firefox" category...

The BlogThis Extension
. This is my new favourite add-on to Firefox. I can now right-click from any page on the web and a pop-up window appears which allows me to update my blog. It is seamless, clever and very useful. I don't have to worry about loading my blog editing screen or opening multiple's all right here. Plus, it already has the hyperlink recorded for the page I'm blogging. That's good pizza.

Blog Hopping

A new game I like to play when I have free moments on the internet is one I call Blog Hopping. As a Blogger member I put a wee bar at the top of my blog. On this bar (as you can see at the top of my site) there is a button called "Next Blog". Usually, after a few doses of languages not my own, I find something interesting.

For example...
This blog has something to do with a radio show. Scroll down far enough and there is an interesting read about the concept of purgatory.
Here's the link to that article.

Happy hopping!