that's good pizza

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Blog Hopping

A new game I like to play when I have free moments on the internet is one I call Blog Hopping. As a Blogger member I put a wee bar at the top of my blog. On this bar (as you can see at the top of my site) there is a button called "Next Blog". Usually, after a few doses of languages not my own, I find something interesting.

For example...
This blog has something to do with a radio show. Scroll down far enough and there is an interesting read about the concept of purgatory.
Here's the link to that article.

Happy hopping!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Typepad has a great feature that is similar called:
Recently Updated Weblogs - it lists the 10 newest blog pages. Also good for some wandering.
Have you used/perused yet? Good wandering by keyword.